CDs from around the state share their projects
Across the state, Montana’s 58 Conservation Districts support farmers, ranchers and landowners in local, voluntary, on-the-ground conservation efforts in protecting our soil, water and natural resources.
Beaverhead County Conservation District
Summer, 2019 has been a busy and productive one in Beaverhead County. We started out in a frenzy, hosting Montana Range Days in June. Over 300 people attended the premier rangelands education and tour event over three days. Currently, the watershed committee is diving deep into the sediment issues on Grasshopper Creek below Bannack to determine how relic mining impacted stream health and to find solutions. Finally, we gearing up for a valley-wide soil health project to monitor soil under different production models over a span of two years; our purpose is to give producers an idea of soil health across the valley. Keep an eye out for us at the Beaverhead County Fair on Friday, Aug. 30. We will be there running our annual plant contest.
Jamie Cottom District Administrator Dillon, MT [email protected] (406)683-3802
Big Horn County Conservation District
The Big Horn Conservation District has partnered with Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks to better protect our waters from aquatic invasive species. We have opened a new watercraft inspection station located on Highway 313 between Saint Xavier and Fort Smith. It will operate Thursday to Saturday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. until Oct. 26.
Maria Hopkins
Maria Hopkins District Administrator Hardin, MT [email protected] (406)629-3229
Cascade County Conservation District
The Cascade Conservation District is focused on reaching Cascade County citizens regarding river conservation and stewardship through a bi-weekly speaker series July 25, Aug. 6 and Aug. 20. The series wraps up with our Bashin’ Trash event on Saturday, Aug. 17, when we clean up garbage on the mighty Missouri River.
Emma Link Assistant District Administrator/Marketing Outreach Coordinator Great Falls, MT [email protected] (406)770-4332
Custer County Conservation District
Custer County Conservation District serves as the fiscal agent for the Yellowstone River Conservation District Council (YRCDC), a grassroots, locally-led organization comprised of 11 conservation districts along the river. We worked with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and many other partners to complete a Cumulative Effects Analysis (CEA), an in-depth look at the response of the river to incremental human impacts over time. Currently, we have two groups working on the recommended practices.
Carol Watts District Administrator Miles City, MT [email protected] (406)232-7905 x 3242
Lincoln County Conservation District
Lincoln Conservation District: On July 15, we began shaping and constructing Phase II of the Tobacco River Restoration Project. We are excavating the outside bank of the meander, then will follow it with pool construction. To divert water flow from the meander, we created a temporary in-stream dam. Keep following our updates in Prairie Populist.
Becky Lihme District Administrator Libby, MT [email protected] (406)297-2233
Pondera County Conservation District
Again, we in the Pondera County CD emphasize pollinator conservation as a critical part of our work, as we did three years ago. PCCD and the Pondera County area utilize a Pheasants Forever NRCS staff biologist, who devotes many hours to pollinator activities. PCCD is giving away packets of wildflower seeds specifically designed for pollinators to interested Pondera County residents at America’s Night Out on Aug. 8 at the Conrad Swimming Pool Park, starting at 5 p.m.
Lorrie Grosfield Conrad, MT [email protected] (406)278-7611
Richland County Conservation District
The Montana Department of Resources and Conservation notified the Richland County Conservation District we were awarded a Reclamation and Development Grant Program to mitigate impacts to the Fox Hills/Hell Creek aquifer. The district has worked on the Fox Hills/ Hell Creek Aquifer for several years after conducting a field inventory to verify reports of declining or complete loss of production in many of the artesian wells. We identified the cause as discharges greater than the recharge. The solution is to repair and winterize wellheads to reduce water waste in continuously flowing wells. The Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology (MBMG), The Montana Department of Natural Resources (DNRC) and the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) will assist in the project.
Julie Goss Sidney, MT [email protected] (406)433-2103
Sheridan County Conservation District
Sheridan County CD recently wrapped up its annual Froid Field Days, which drew about 60 attendees from Sheridan and Roosevelt County. We discussed pulse crop diseases, cover crop yields and pest control. The evening ended with a steak dinner and great conversation.
Tahnee Benson District Administrator Plentywood, MT [email protected] (406)765-1801 x 101
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